Starr Struck Comedy, produced by Alexx Starr, is a hilarious and electrifying comedy experience that takes place in New York, NY. With a reputation for delivering top-notch comedy, this show brings together some of the brightest and funniest comedians in the industry.
The lineup for the night features a diverse range of comedic talents, each bringing their unique style and humor to the stage.
Starr Struck Comedy promises an unforgettable night of laughter, where each comedian brings their A-game to entertain and uplift the audience. With a lineup like this, it's no wonder that this show has become a must-see comedy event in NYC.
1hr 30min.
August 23rd, 2024
October 5th, 2024
Ages 18+.
1hr 30min.
Starr Struck Comedy presents The Extraordinary is at Players Loft Theatre, which is located in New York, NY, United States, 10012.
Starr Struck Comedy presents The Extraordinary tickets start at $26.
Ages 18+.
Check the top of this page for current availability and exclusive offers on Starr Struck Comedy presents The Extraordinary tickets on TodayTix.
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