In this side-splitting satire directed by Teddy Bergman (KPOP), a young hero fights to create change in a dystopian world where water is scarce and “Hope” is even scarcer. Set in a city facing a drought, all citizens must now pay a fee for “The Privilege to Pee” at one of the public facilities controlled by a selfish tycoon.
With an incisive score by Tony winner Mark Hollmann, fourth-wall-breaking humor by Hollman and Tony winner Greg Kotis, and a plot with thrilling twists and turns, Urinetown examines the darkest dilemmas of humanity, all while being “audacious and exhilarating” (The New York Times). In this Tony-winning musical, nothing is safe from criticism—capitalism, politics, the establishment, the anti-establishment, and even musical theater itself!
February 5th, 2025
February 16th, 2025
By: Greg Kotis
Songs by: Mark Hollmann (music and lyrics) and Greg Kotis (lyrics)
Director: Teddy Bergman
Choreography: Mayte Natalio
Cast list: Jordan Fisher (as Bobby Strong), Taran Killam (as Officer Lockstock), Keala Settle (as Penelope Pennywise), Stephanie Styles (as Hope Cladwell)
Other info: Orchestrations by Bruce Coughlin, music direction by Mary-Mitchell Campbell
Wheelchair access, assistive listening devices
Urinetown is at New York's New York City Center, which is located at 131 W 55th St, New York, 10019.
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