A beloved New York holiday tradition, Mozart’s enchanting musical fairy tale returns in the Met’s abridged, English-language production by Julie Taymor—the Tony Award–winning director of Broadway’s The Lion King. With dazzling puppets and a colorful setting, the Met’s Magic Flute is one of the city’s ultimate seasonal sensations for family audiences.
A sublime fairy tale that moves freely between earthy comedy and noble mysticism, The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte in the original German) was written for a theater located just outside Vienna with the clear intention of appealing to audiences from all walks of life. The story is told in a singspiel (“song-play”) format characterized by separate musical numbers connected by dialogue and stage activity, an excellent structure for navigating the diverse moods, ranging from solemn to lighthearted, of the story and score.
1hr 55min.
December 12th, 2024
January 4th, 2025
Elevator access, wheelchair access, accessible listening devices, Braille and large print programs
The Magic Flute—Holiday Presentation runs for 1hr 55min.
The Magic Flute—Holiday Presentation is at New York's Metropolitan Opera House, which is located at 30 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, 10023.
Check the top of this page for current availability and exclusive offers on The Magic Flute—Holiday Presentation tickets on TodayTix.
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