As I Was, Not As I Am Tickets
New York, NY

As I Was, Not As I Am Tickets

As I Was, Not As I Am: What to expect - 1
As I Was, Not As I Am Tickets

About As I Was, Not As I Am

A crowded apartment in Philadelphia, PA - Laurel is sick. Her roommates want her to get better - but how do you help someone who can't afford health care? Could it involve setting a car on fire? As I Was, Not As I Am is mainly about queer roommates, headaches, clubbing, upstairs neighbors, arson, and washing machines; but it's also about love - the kind that would make you do anything for each other.

Run time

70 minutes

Start date

June 22nd, 2023

End date

June 24th, 2023





2162 Broadway (at 76th Street), New York, NY, USA, 10024
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