In his groundbreaking new film opera, acclaimed Dutch composer, film and stage director, and librettist Michel van der Aa ventures to the frontiers of technological innovation with an engrossing tale conveyed by live performance, motion capture, and immersive film. Performed by the incomparable soprano Julia Bullock and acclaimed baritone Roderick Williams, Upload tells the story of a daughter and her father who, when confronted by his inevitable death, has his thoughts and memories “up-loaded,” to achieve a “virtual resurrection.” If one day scientific advances allow us to map our own experiences, where do our identities really reside: in our minds, our bodies, or our relationships? And how far does the data of our lives determine our fate? What price will we have to pay for immortality? Upload explores these ancient philosophical questions against the backdrop of present-day and near-future technologies in a work that is conceptual and deeply emotional.
Approx 1 hr, 25 mins (no intermission)
March 22nd, 2022
March 30th, 2022
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