Inspired by the real-life experiences of Kyle Falconer (from Scottish indie-rock sensation The View) and Laura Wilde, this powerful story follows two new parents grappling with the challenges of parenthood. Songs taken from Kyle’s hit second solo album are reimagined live on stage, and through a sublime blend of music and storytelling, the audience is taken on a heartfelt journey through tears and laughter as the young couple navigate the ups and downs of their new life together.
After a sell-out premiere at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and a triumphant homecoming run at Dundee Rep in 2023, No Love Songs roars into London this Summer.
1hr 15min. No interval.
4th June, 2024
15th June, 2024
Ages 14+.
Location: Fringe/Off West End
Railway station: Elephant and Castle
Bus numbers: Newington Butts (Stop BC) 196
Directions from tube: Elephant & Castle: Walk south-east on Churchyard Row towards Newington Butts/A3. Turn left onto Newington Butts. Kennington: Walk north-east on Kennington Park Rd/A3 towards Othello Cl. Turn left onto Churchyard Row.
Unfortunately, tickets for this event are no longer available.
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